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Aug 04, 2011 rated it it was amazing
Death to Diabetes is a GREAT book! Death to diabetes is a very comprehensive health and wellness book, with 400-pages of detailed information about Type 2 diabetes and how to reverse this chronic disease and its complications. Because there are so many people with diabetes (26 million in the U.S. and 190 million worldwide), the information in this book needs to be communicated to every person in America. Why? Because every one of us either knows someone who's diabetic or has someone in their fam Death to Diabetes is a GREAT book! Death to diabetes is a very comprehensive health and wellness book, with 400-pages of detailed information about Type 2 diabetes and how to reverse this chronic disease and its complications. Because there are so many people with diabetes (26 million in the U.S. and 190 million worldwide), the information in this book needs to be communicated to every person in America. Why? Because every one of us either knows someone who's diabetic or has someone in their family who's diabetic.

Mr. McCulley's writing style is crisp and straight-forward. The amount of information that he has amassed is astounding, and clearly supported by documented clinical studies.

Mr. McCulley's emphasis on using your inner spirit, the importance of working with your doctor, and his discussion of managing diabetes for life is empowering and uplifting. Those suffering from diabetes will find an inspiring story from someone who has been where they are and has defeated this disease with guidance from above.

Somehow, Mr. McCulley maintains a balance between his two primary target audiences – the diabetic and the healthcare professional. Mr. McCulley provides in-depth clinical details about the etiology and pathogenesis of Type 2 diabetes to satisfy the medical professional; but, he breaks down the medical terminology so that a person not familiar with these medical terms can still understand what Mr. McCulley is saying.

More so than any other book written about diabetes, Death to Diabetes very clearly defines the specific foods (Mr. McCulley calls them "dead" foods) that either fuel the diabetes or keep diabetics in a diabetic state.

Death to Diabetes does something that other diabetes books don't do – it takes some risk and identifies some of the so-called healthy foods that don't help diabetics. For example, most of us would never have thought wheat bread would be a problem for diabetics, but, as the author points out, many types of wheat bread now contain high fructose corn syrup and partially hydrogenated oil.

Death to Diabetes provides great tips for eating out at a restaurant and even eating at a fast food place, so it's not required that a diabetic eat perfectly at every meal. The book also provides food tips about shopping and preparing meals. In fact, Mr. McCulley defines "counter" meals to counteract when a diabetic eats out or eats too much processed food at a wedding or party. This takes the pressure off a diabetic to be perfect and prevents the diabetic from being overly-anxious about eating properly every day.

Death to Diabetes provides many specific tips and ideas to help with emotions, stress, sleep, relaxation, and support systems. Death to Diabetes provides an entire chapter about the importance of emotional and spiritual health. Although the author is an engineer, he believes that the emotional and spiritual support from his mother and his daughter (Cynthia) were keys to defeating his diabetes. In addition to the quotes from his mother and his father, Mr. McCulley provides a list of inspirational quotes from famous people such as Oprah Winfrey, Bill Cosby, Morgan Freeman, Muhammad Ali, Billy Graham, and Colin Powell.

I should mention that the author of this book (DeWayne McCulley) almost died of a diabetic coma. His near-death experience with a very high blood glucose level is so unbelievable, that he placed a copy of his doctor's medical report and personal notes about his diabetes on his website.

I just hope that his story ends up on Dr. Oz or someplace where lots of people can learn about his book and how to get healthy.

May 06, 2009 rated it it was amazing
Recommends it for: all diabetics, anyone trying to lose weight
Recommended to Cj by: a friend
Wow -- I usually don't care much for "health" or "nutrition" books -- most of them say the same general stuff. BUT this book actually helped a friend of mine get off all the diabetic and blood pressure drugs she was taking!! She convinced me to read it because she said it would help me -- even though I was not diabetic. My friend thought it would help me lose a few pounds. :-)

So, I tried this man's diet (he calls it a "super meal" or a "super breakfast") -- and, I lost weight and still had energ

Wow -- I usually don't care much for "health" or "nutrition" books -- most of them say the same general stuff. BUT this book actually helped a friend of mine get off all the diabetic and blood pressure drugs she was taking!! She convinced me to read it because she said it would help me -- even though I was not diabetic. My friend thought it would help me lose a few pounds. :-)

So, I tried this man's diet (he calls it a "super meal" or a "super breakfast") -- and, I lost weight and still had energy! Even though the book is 400 pages, it was an "easy" read because the book is so well-organized and flows so well. And, I liked the pictures and charts, I wish there were more ...

And, my friend is still doing well without the diabetic drugs -- her doctors are SHOCKED that she has been able to control her blood sugar without falling back onto the drugs!

The author of this book almost died from a diabetic coma, and somehow figured out how to use his engineering skills to get off the insulin and improve his health.

I wonder if he realizes how many lives he is saving, and how much HOPE he is giving to people.

Everyone should read this man's inspiring story -- even if you're not diabetic and you just want to lose a few pounds :-)

p.s. My friend says he now has a DVD, a diabetes cookbook and a boot camp program -- I can't wait to read them! :-)

Mar 05, 2014 rated it it was amazing
An ex diabetic after a 2 days coma is back to the world alive & with a strong message about this complicated disease called diabetes. An unselfish man, not claiming to be prophet neither, a very humble man is bringing you the answer to all of our worries of how to cure this disease told by most doctors as who consider diabetes a one-way street—once you have it, your only option is to manage the symptoms with a restricted diet, close monitoring of blood sugar, and expensive medications. He has wr An ex diabetic after a 2 days coma is back to the world alive & with a strong message about this complicated disease called diabetes. An unselfish man, not claiming to be prophet neither, a very humble man is bringing you the answer to all of our worries of how to cure this disease told by most doctors as who consider diabetes a one-way street—once you have it, your only option is to manage the symptoms with a restricted diet, close monitoring of blood sugar, and expensive medications. He has written a book called Death to diabetes & should be available to all the libraries in North America & even worldwide. It should be translated in many international languages.
The point of eating quality food is to promote health, pointing out that this attitude is not universal and that cultures that perceive food as having purposes of pleasure, identity, and sociality may end up with better health. "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants. Most of us Americans, Canadians, now buy in supermarkets packaged foods, fast food stores, and restaurants is not in fact food, our grandmother's generation would have recognized as food as when bought into a local farm or market or grown up into our back yards. You know what i mean by that...

The book also demystifying and debunking the hype around food groups to explaining the value of vitamins and minerals naturally, readers will discover why it's so important to embrace the instinct of hunger and to satisfy it with whole, nutrient-dense foods.

This book is a breakthrough, You will learn a natural diabetes cure that will normalize your blood sugar, restore your health, and actually cure your diabetes. I am myself a diabetic since 2002, since last 6 to 8 months came across his book & applying it very strongly, trust me on this; my numbers are coming down very seriously. Also stay connected with the higher spirit.

There is always an inseparable link between nutrition and the body, we have to educate ourselves about the best ways to feed, move, and care for the body. Remember the words of God:

1 Corinthians 6:19-20
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
In conclusion...
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him; And He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your body, And refreshment to your bones. (Amen)

Dr. James
Aug 04, 2011 rated it it was amazing
As a medical doctor, I find it difficult to recommend most self-help books because they tend to be anecdotal with very little science behind them. However, Death to Diabetes provides hundreds of supportive clinical references to substantiate its claims. Death to Diabetes is a well-written and detail-oriented book that breaks down the science of diabetes such that a layman can understand the disease.

The author being an engineer provides very structured steps and procedures that most people can ea

As a medical doctor, I find it difficult to recommend most self-help books because they tend to be anecdotal with very little science behind them. However, Death to Diabetes provides hundreds of supportive clinical references to substantiate its claims. Death to Diabetes is a well-written and detail-oriented book that breaks down the science of diabetes such that a layman can understand the disease.

The author being an engineer provides very structured steps and procedures that most people can easily read and follow, without having to understand the science of pathophysiology, pathogenesis, etiology or epidemiology. The author uses key blood tests and other metrics to help guide the diabetic to better manage his/her diabetes and achieve blood glucose control in a short period of time. As a doctor, I appreciate the fact that the author actually explained what patients should be doing before they visit their doctors and better prepare for their appointments.

Diabetes is a complex and stressful disease that requires the patient to perform a lot of activities on a daily basis. But, the author explains all of this is a logical and structured manner that removes the stress of being overwhelmed by the disease and all of the activities.

More importantly, after having read more than 17 books on diabetes, this was the first book that actually helped my wife! She went from high blood glucose levels over 160 mg/dL to less than 99, A1C from 8.7% to 5.4%, and blood pressure from 160/100 mm Hg to 115/75!

I strongly recommend this book to ALL diabetics, and even non-diabetics who are looking for a good health program. I have also recommended this book to several of my colleagues, one who just recently used this book to reduce his medications.

In addition, this author makes his program and his staff easily accessible on the Internet via his website, which provides even more information than what's in his book.

Thomas Denison
I thank Mr. McCulley for writing this book and saving my wife's life.
She was on a lot of meds, and getting worse back in 2007. In fact, her doc had just put her on insulin.

Today, she is drug-free except for a drug for her arthritis. But, she has been able to even reduce that drug as long as she sticks to Mr. McCulley's program.

My wife lost 29 pounds, her average BS is 93.2, her a1C is 5.1% (it used to be over 9%!), her blood pressure is now 115/75! All in less than 6 months! And she looks great!

I thank Mr. McCulley for writing this book and saving my wife's life.
She was on a lot of meds, and getting worse back in 2007. In fact, her doc had just put her on insulin.

Today, she is drug-free except for a drug for her arthritis. But, she has been able to even reduce that drug as long as she sticks to Mr. McCulley's program.

My wife lost 29 pounds, her average BS is 93.2, her a1C is 5.1% (it used to be over 9%!), her blood pressure is now 115/75! All in less than 6 months! And she looks great! :-)

A side bonus was that I lost 37 pounds because I had to eat the meals she prepared, plus I wanted to support her. I didn't expect my health would also improve, since I'm not diabetic.

So, Mr. McCulley should change the name of his book -- it's a lot more than a diabetes book.

p.s. A couple years ago, we decided to call Mr. McCulley. Of course, we got a recording, and didn't expect a call back. But, 3 days later, he called us back! Mr. McCulley spent almost an hour on the phone -- HE WAS SO HELPFUL AND SO UNSELFISH -- we could tell he was busy, but he answered all our questions, and promised to send some additional information based on some research his engineering staff had done. And, sure enough, they did send us some great info about a week later.

We hope that if you're reading this, you'll buy this man's book -- it's a must for all diabetics. And, even if you don't buy the book, just go to his website and watch the videos. You'll laugh, and learn at the same time.

Lisa Richards
Aug 04, 2011 rated it it was amazing
I've bought more than 23 diabetes books over the years, including Dr. Bernstein's and a few others written by doctors. But, this man goes beyond all the other books!

Not only did he write a fantastic easy-to-use book, but he gives you a free CD (if you order from his website) that explains the program and how to get started. Plus, he provides new research on his website that goes beyond his book:

As a result, I didn't have to read the entire book to figure out what t

I've bought more than 23 diabetes books over the years, including Dr. Bernstein's and a few others written by doctors. But, this man goes beyond all the other books!

Not only did he write a fantastic easy-to-use book, but he gives you a free CD (if you order from his website) that explains the program and how to get started. Plus, he provides new research on his website that goes beyond his book:

As a result, I didn't have to read the entire book to figure out what to do! True genius!

More importantly, my doctor took me off my meds after about 6 months. When he asked me how I did it, I showed him Mr. McCulley's book. He asked to borrow it, and about 3 weeks later, he told me that he planned to buy several books for his patients!

p.s. I accidentally discovered Mr. McCulley on YouTube with his humorous yet educational talks about curing diabetes. His passion and honesty convinced me to buy his book. This is a touching video about his mother and daughter that really convinced me to buy his book:

I'm so glad that he credits his mother and daughter for saving his life, and didn't forget them.

Jennifer Johnson
This book is a MUST read for anyone with Type 2 Diabetes. After trying the program for just 30 days, my BS levels dropped 110 points and are still going down. I am hopeful that I will have a full reversal and will someday be medication free.

This is a simple program to follow, that will change your life completely. Your body will be fed the foods it needs to heal itself and you will no longer crave the "dead" foods that Mr.McCully speaks of in his book.

I can't thank Mr. McCulley enough for writin

This book is a MUST read for anyone with Type 2 Diabetes. After trying the program for just 30 days, my BS levels dropped 110 points and are still going down. I am hopeful that I will have a full reversal and will someday be medication free.

This is a simple program to follow, that will change your life completely. Your body will be fed the foods it needs to heal itself and you will no longer crave the "dead" foods that Mr.McCully speaks of in his book.

I can't thank Mr. McCulley enough for writing this book and sharing his own near death experience with diabetes. The plan he devised REALLY works!

I feel as if I have control over my sugar for the first time since being diagnosed and I owe it all to Mr. McCulley.


p.s. And, I love all the EXTRA information on his website at:

a must read if you know someone with type 2 diabetes... this man is amazing... his plan will reverse type 2 diabetes
Caroline Geer
Compelling, detailed, and good common sense

The story of hope and the extreme detail helped me to know what is possible. I'm changing my lifestyle! I especially appreciated the food and nutrient explanations.

Compelling, detailed, and good common sense

The story of hope and the extreme detail helped me to know what is possible. I'm changing my lifestyle! I especially appreciated the food and nutrient explanations.

Nivesh Agrawal
Scientific and practical

Excellent and deep knowledge in all field required for control of diabetes and are scientifically sound and practically feasible to apply

Anna Zehnder
Feb 07, 2016 rated it it was amazing
Absolutely one of the best books I have ever read. Here's why I think so: After I first learned in 2012 that I had a high A1C of 8.0, I immediately got serious about daily walking, eating whole foods, and journaling everything I ate. Fortunately, within several months, my A1C went down to a fairly healthy 5.9. But then I got lax over the holidays. Of course, the A1C went back up to 7.0. I knew I had to get back on track, but how? I wasn't as confident or motivated the second time around. I worri Absolutely one of the best books I have ever read. Here's why I think so: After I first learned in 2012 that I had a high A1C of 8.0, I immediately got serious about daily walking, eating whole foods, and journaling everything I ate. Fortunately, within several months, my A1C went down to a fairly healthy 5.9. But then I got lax over the holidays. Of course, the A1C went back up to 7.0. I knew I had to get back on track, but how? I wasn't as confident or motivated the second time around. I worried that it was going to be like yo-yo dieting, with many discouraging setbacks. Fortunately, I found out about the book Death to Diabetes, through the author's website By following the principles in the book faithfully, I was able to get back on track within just a few months. The author is honest, knowledgeable, and really wants to help others learn to manage (or prevent diabetes) without drugs; and at least help some diabetics decrease their drugs. With his book, you will gain confidence to look after your own health. Stop being intimidated by Big Pharma, and some of the medical experts who don't care about you! You really can get back on track with your health, and possibly even surprise yourself..... and your doctor. So this is what the book will help you to do, from Day One: 1) For a Super Healthy Breakfast--eliminate grains, processed carbs like dry cereal, fruit juice, and toast; only eat green vegetables and a lean protein for breakfast 2) Do the exact same thing for supper 3) Walk every day 4) With your blood glucose monitor, test your blood glucose two hours after each meal; and record all readings; see what foods help your glucose stay within healthy range; then eat those foods more regularly 5) Keep a food journal of every single thing you eat, so you are mindful of what you are doing 6) Review how you are progressing, using your blood glucose log, and your food log; and continue to learn about healthy ways 7) Help and support others 8) Be grateful and have a good attitude. By the way, the author's website,, has a wealth of information to help you make serious changes.
Nov 04, 2009 rated it did not like it
This book is basically someone trying to pack their opinion about absolutely everything wellness related into a book. Reasonable suggestions mixed with opinion mixed with junk science. And nothing truly useful in direct relation to managing the disease aspects of diabetes.

I really cannot recommend it and will probably through it in the trash rather than pass it on. Would recommend Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution instead.

This book is basically someone trying to pack their opinion about absolutely everything wellness related into a book. Reasonable suggestions mixed with opinion mixed with junk science. And nothing truly useful in direct relation to managing the disease aspects of diabetes.

I really cannot recommend it and will probably through it in the trash rather than pass it on. Would recommend Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution instead.

Nick Woodall
Jan 22, 2016 rated it really liked it
A good book, that has me shaking my head--why don't people, especially diabetics know about this? There are so few books out there on the cure, and no one is really talking about it. A good book, that has me shaking my head--why don't people, especially diabetics know about this? There are so few books out there on the cure, and no one is really talking about it. ...more
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Diabetes Diet 1 5 May 06, 2009 08:08PM

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